「熱砂」同人の新年(2014年)の抱負。 The Ambition of a web literary coterie magazine 「熱砂=Nessa=(boiling sand)」 member’s new year

▽伊神権太(主宰) 前に向かって! 世界の文学界に【熱砂】の存在感を示す
▽真伏善人 とにかく気力、そして体力。小説を2編目標とする
▽牧すすむ 仕事がら海外へ行く機会が多い私。〈世界の文化〉を旅したいと思う
▽山の杜伊吹 不可能を可能とするため奮闘中です。飛躍の年にします!!
▽黒宮涼  人生の転機、経験を生かして良い作品を書きます
▽平子純  今年は健康をもどし、世界情勢がおかしくなりつつあるのでその辺を書きたい
▽加藤行 この夏、文芸社から詩集「ピュアな風に舞う」を出版します。一人でも多くの人々に読んでほしい
▽眞鍋京子 「熱砂」同人の皆さまと一緒に元気にやっていきたい。

Ambition of a web literary coterie magazine 「熱砂=Nessa=(boiling sand)」member’s new year (2014). Thank you for your consideration.The Ambition of a web literary coterie magazine 「熱砂(boiling sand)」 member’s new year is sent toward the world.
Each Ambition is as follows.
▽ Igami  Gonta(The chairman,伊神権太)
Advance Former! The presence of 「熱砂=Nessa=」 is shown in the literary world in all over the world.
▽Mabuse Yoshito(真伏善人)
They are energy and physical strength anyhow. A novel is set as a two-piece target.
▽Maki Susumu( 牧すすむ)
Me with many opportunities to go overseas by the nature of its work. So,I wants to travel , in culture in the world.
▽Yamanomori Ibuki(山の杜伊吹)
It is under hard struggle in order to make the impossible possible. The year of a leap ,I do.
▽Ryou Kuromiya(黒宮涼) 
The turning point of life and the work which may employ experience efficiently are written.
▽ Jun Hirako(平子純)
Since health is returned and the state of the world is becoming funny this year, I would like to write the neighborhood.
▽ Kou Katou(加藤行)
Poetical anthology 「It dances to a pure wind(ピュアな風に舞う)」 are published from a literature company this summer. I want many people for one person to also read, and consider.
▽ Kyoko Manabe (眞鍋京子)
I would like to do vigorously together with 「熱砂=Nessa=」 members.I want only this.